Thursday, September 13, 2007

iPhone in Europe announcement on September 18th?

Apple have announced a special media event in London on the 18th of September. "Mums is no longer the word" is the tagline for the event.

Basiscally Apple are finally going to announce the iPhone in Europe! For us here in Ireland it looks like Apple are only going to release the phone in the UK, France and Germany to start with. But with the recent release of the free Sim unlock "iUnlock" (with instructions) it won't be that hard to get your iPhone here.

Apple will probably also announce an extended iTunes Store service, definitely for the UK, and possibly for the rest of Europe too.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

MacBook Thin, Movie rentals on your iPod?

After the last few weeks frenetic activity of releases from Apple we are now struggling to find the next bunch of "Top 5" rumors.
The old new Mac Mini and iPhone in Europe are still there. The iPhone nano is also expected before the Holiday season. Looking back the most likely new rumors are:

• MacBook Thin
There's been talk about this for years now, but more and more patents from Apple looks like they could be releasing their idea of a "Thin" notebook. Will probably be the thinnest notebook ever released when it does come out.

• iTunes Movie Rentals
With the iPod line now all video (bar the Shuffle obviously), and the iPod touch with WiFi and the iTunes Wifi Store on the way, it looks like Apple are warming up to release a rental feature for movies from the store.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New iPod Lineup

With the release of the new iPod lineup across the range, for the first time since launch, we are struggling to come up with a solid top 5 rumor list and more importantly a rumor homepage image!

Keep posted for an update after the weekend while we look through the archives to find out what's most likely to appear next on the list. November is traditional for iBook upgrades so the MacBook Thin is looking good for the next big thing.

Check back soon...